In 2024, the Arсona metaverse is planning a number of updates and improvements that will significantly expand the possibilities of the AR world for users.
Among the main innovations, new tools and technologies will appear for more convenient and comfortable interaction with metareality.
The developers plan to develop the economy of the augmented reality world, offering new ways for users to earn money.
It is planned to launch P2P markets for the sale and exchange of content, land, spatial data and other resources between users.
The metaverse web portal will be updated, and the system for installing user content will become simpler and more convenient.
The SDK will be converted to open source, empowering metaverse app developers.
The development of a VR client with support for 3D landscapes for remote placement of user content continues.
All these updates and improvements will make the Arсona metaverse even more attractive and promising for users in 2024. More about Road map 2024