An updated version of the Arcona CV Core SDK is forthcoming that will dramatically increase the accuracy and speed of placing AR projects around the world. It will allow near real-time generation of spatial terrain maps for remote positioning of virtual content.
In the fall, based on our SDK we will prepare an API for professional developers of immersive applications, which will work equally well on all continents. This is particularly relevant given the fact that Google Geospatial API with similar functionality is being tested only in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, London and Tokyo. A similar situation is emerging with a novelty from Niantic. The trial launch of their system of linking virtual objects to the real map Lightship VPS took place in late May in almost the same metropolitan areas. So for those who want to scale their AR projects really globally, the Arcona API will be really necessary.
Today, creating global, highly accurate spatial maps is the most effective way to scale AR projects and make them available to a wide range of developers. This is exactly the purpose for which the new Arcona API is being created.
To build spatial maps, it uses data from sensors of mobile devices: video, GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer readings. Users will provide them on their own initiative or for a fee.
During the preparation of tools for third-party developers, significant changes were made to the block of user geo-positioning and geo-referencing of AR content. We implemented a new algorithm for analyzing data from sensors of mobile devices, as well as a module for collecting data. As a result, processing the array of collected data and creating a set of geolocation frames takes literally a few minutes. At the same time we get perfect accuracy and stability of placing virtual models on the scanned territory.
Now every Arcona user can promptly improve the quality of AR positioning in any terrain. This is very convenient for Digital Land owners, as they can significantly improve the quality of AR projects in their properties at any moment. In addition, our spatial maps can be easily used by third-party developers to develop their own immersive applications. An additional advantage is that the binding system works equally effectively with Arcona's own AR engine as well as with the popular ARkit frameworks from Apple and ARCore (Google).